Kids of Light
Cai & Lenard provided legal support to Light Balance Kids dance troupe
Read more25.02.2020
What is there in common between lawyers and musicians?
Cai & Lenard Law Firm will provide legal support for arranging a concert of the Italian composer Ennio Morricone
Read more06.08.2013
One more year with DealMakers
The international research DealMakers ‘End of Year’ Annual Awards 2012 has summed up the results of the year and determined the leading firms in different areas of specialization. According to the ranking for Ukraine, Cai & Lenard has been voted as a winner in the category Project Finance & Arbitration Law Firm of the Year 2012 – Ukraine.
Read more06.08.2013
Carriers Age Attorneys
Cai & Lenard Law Firm will represent interests of a new client - the Association of International Automobile Carriers in Ukraine (AsMAP).
Read more05.08.2013